Who We Are

Hair of the Dog was the first bar on the Playa, and is currently the longest running bar on the Playa. We’re a classic burner bar — raw good times, no frills, and our aim is to give burners a memory of community, friendship, and what-the-fuck-was-that.

Come for the cold drinks. Stay because you can’t stop staring.

We make, bring, and provide what we can, and the rest is community driven. We love donations, including pre-playa cash donations to help us raise a rocking bar in the middle of the desert, and on-playa donations of alcohol and mixers you have laying about, your time, your smile, and your company. Come empty handed, we’re happy to see you.

Hair of the Dog is run by a collection of old and young, long-time burners and virgins, snarkwads and sparkle ponies, and everything in between. The only thing we don’t like is people who bring the fucking sheriff into the middle of our camp. If you fit into any of these ranges, reach out and join us this year.

Heart, heart, eggplant, peach-that’s-shaped-like-a-butt, water, and creepy-Japanese-mask,

– the HOTD team